Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Paal Payasam

This is an all time favourite of my lil one. He sometimes ask me whether I will make some surprise for him when gets back from school. And then he asks would that be "White Payasam". That is the surprise he likes & wants me to make :-) So white payasam is something I make often at home. So when I decided to start blogging again (atleat try starting again), I thought I would start with a dessert.

You will need the below ingredients to make Paal Payasam:

Broken Rice        - 1/2 cup
Milk                    - 4 cup
Condensed Milk  - 200gm (around 1/2 a tin)
Sugar                  - 1/4 cup
Ghee                   - 1 tbsp
Cashew Nuts      - a handful
Raisins                - a handful

1. Pressure cook rice with 2 cup milk, Sugar and wait for one whistle. You could cook rice without the cooker as well.
2. Add the rest of the milk and Condensed milk and keep stiring. Bring it to a boil and turn off the stove.
3. In another pan, heat ghee and fry raisins and cashews in it.
4. Garnish the payasam with this fried nuts and raisins.

And here is the end result:

If the payasam becomes too thick once it cools, add little more milk. It could be eaten cold or hot. I like it cold and my opinion is it taste better that way.
I hope I could post more of my experiments here and that I do not get into a hibernation mode again.