Sunday, May 11, 2014

Avocado Chammanthi

Avocado is counted against one of the healthiest foods in the world. I was not a big fan of avocado until I started feeding it to my little girl. Now we have a family full of avocado fans! So when my friend S told me about making chammanthi with avocado, I decided to give it a try. And guess what, the results were awesome, especially for an almost zero effort recipe.

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Serves around 2-3 people

Avocado- 1
Green Chilly- 1
Ginger- a small piece
Salt- to taste

  1. In a mixer make a fine paste of the ginger and green chilly.
  2. Scoop out the avocado from the fruit and add it to the mixer along with the salt.
  3. Combine the avocado well with the ginger and green chilly in the mixer.
You can adjust the green chilly and ginger according to your spice level. The suggested quantities will make a medium spicy chammanthi.

This chammanthi goes well with dosa and idlis. Also you can use it as a spread for the bread or even chapathis.


  1. Innovative and yummy recipe which I feel to finish off the entire dosa and avocado chammanthi..... :)

  2. Delicious and colorful looking chammanthi. Excellent preparation.

  3. delicious looking chammanthi...
