Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Give Away and an Upcoming Review

And the winner is Sarah Naveen of Vazhayila! Congrats Sarah!

It has been over a year since I have been "actively" blogging. When I say "actively", I mean at least 3-4 posts a month. I had started this blog in mid 2008 and did 2 posts during that year and then went into a long hibernation mode for a year and half. I started back up again in late 2009 hoping to get some momentum going and I should say I was successful so far, at least in my terms. It was mostly due to the support from all my fellow bloggers, my readers out there and of course, my family! In this one year, I gained a lot of good friends, got blogger awards and recognitions from my fellow bloggers and also got selected as a Preferred Blogger by CSN stores. In addition to trying and posting recipes, I also did some reviews and have more coming. Keep looking in this space for an upcoming review to see my new toy from CSN! It could be anything from leather messenger bags to a cooking gadget!

So for this one successful year and for all the support that you guys have given me, I have decided to do a small giveaway! I bought a copy of "Cooking Yourself  Thin Faster" for the giveaway. This book has around 75 recipes that you can make in a flash and still be on your diet, without sacrificing the foods you love! Most recipes in this book would be familiar to most of you, but with much scaled down calories. It has recipes for Breakfast, Starters, Main Course, Sides/Soups/Salads and Desserts with great pictures.  I have started trying some guilt-free desserts from the book already and they have turned out great - not at all compromising on the taste! Please note that this is not a sponsored giveaway. Here are some pictures of the book for you to take a sneak peak:

Getting on to the rules for the giveaway:
  1. The contest is only open to US, Canadian and Indian Residents. For all others, if you have a friend/relative in US, Canada or India, you could always get it shipped to them.
  2. The contest closes on December 31 at 11:59pm PST. Winner would be announced in this blog on January 1st.
  3. The winner will be selected using and will be notified via email. Please post your email id as well, if you are not a registered blogger. In the event that winner does not respond back within 3 days after they receive the email, a new winner would be chosen.
  4. You could leave a separate comment for each one of the below activity:
    1. Follow Thattukada publicly via Google friend connect and leave a comment under this post saying so. If you are already a follower, just comment so. (Mandatory)
    2. Share this post on your facebook and leave a comment about it under this post. (optional for additional entries)
    3. Tweet about this giveaway and comment here. (optional for additional entries)
    4. Post about this giveaway in your blog and comment here. (optional for additional entries)
So you could leave a maximum of 4 comments and quadruple your chances to be the winner.

So what are you waiting for! Keep the entries flowing in and Good Luck to you all!


  1. I am a follower sadly I live in UK;)

  2. Nice giveaway Fathima, I am your follower.

  3. :-) Lovely giveaway..I'm already your follower:-)

  4. Nice giveaway... iam also your follower:)

  5. Great giveaway...I'm your good old follower :-)

  6. Hey ..I just saw your mail..what a wonderful way to start my new year...After all i think luck is my way in 2011...
    Thanks a lot...
    happy to be a part of your anniversary...
    And infact i need this book badly...I have been meaning to find a way to be thinner ..hehehhe
